条款 国家 country | 保护客体
Subject matters | 审查模式
Examination mode | 优先权制度
Priority system | 新颖性宽限期
Grace period | 保护期限
Duration | 申请流程
Procedures |
意大利 Italy | 任何工业或者手工制品整体或者局部,特别是由该产品本身或者其装饰部分的线条、轮廓、
纹理或者材料等要素构成的外观,包括但不限于用于组装产品的零件、包装、图标和印刷字体, 排除计算机软件。 Registration as designs and models may be granted to the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting, in particular, from the features of the lines, contours shape, texture, or materials of the product itself or of its ornamentation, provided that the same are new and have an individual character. Product means any industrial or handicraft item, including, inter alia, parts intended to be assembled into a complex product, packaging, presentation, graphic symbols and typographic fonts, excluding computer software. |
形式审查+客体核查 Formal examination +subject matter examination |
外国优先权。 6 个月内提出。 Foreign Priority System ; within 6 months |
12 个月 12 months |
自申请日起5 年,每5 年续展, 最长不超过 25 年。 5 years from the filing date,with an extension for one or more periods of 5 years until a maximum of 25 years. |
审查-公开-授权/驳回。 Examination – Disclosure- Grant/Objection |
俄罗斯 Russia | 任何工业产品或手工业产品都可以列入保护,包括包装物、标签、标志、字体、组件产品、 产品的独立部分、可以组装成组合产品的单个组件、成套产品、内部装饰等, 如果一项工业品外 观设计要获得法律保护,其必须具备三个基本条件:新颖性、独创性、适于工业应用。 Any industrial product or handicraft product can be included in the protection, including packaging, labels, signs, fonts, component products, independent parts of the product, single components that can be assembled into a combination of products, complete sets of products, interior decoration, etc. If an industrial design wants to obtain legal protection, it should meet three requirements: novelty, originality and Practical Applicability. |
形式审查+实质审查 Formal examination+ substantial examination | 本国优先权,收到超范围不能接 受通知书之日起 3 个月内提出;外国 优先权, 6 个月内提出。
Domestic priority:within 3 months from the date of receipt of the notice of non acceptance beyond the scope; foreign priority :Within 6 months. |
12 个月 12 months |
自申请日起5 年,每5 年续展, 最长不超过 25 年。 5 years from the filing date,with an extension for one or more periods of 5 years until a maximum of 25 years. |
申请-形式审查-实质审查- 授权/驳回。 Filing- Formal examination – Substantial examination -Grant/Objection |
蒙古 Mongolia |
新创造的包括产品外部样式、设计有关的装饰、色彩及色彩组合的独特方案。 “Industrial design” means an absolutely new original solution that relates to the form and design of a product, which can be produced by an industrial method. |
形式审查+实质审查 Formal examination+ substantial examination |
外国优先权, 6 个月内提出。 Foreign Priority System ; within 6 months |
自申请日起 10 年。 10 years starting from the filing date. | 申请-形式审查-实质审查- 授权/驳回。
Filing- Formal examination – Substantial examination -Grant/Objection | |
哈萨克斯坦 Kazakhstan | 对外观造型富有美感的设计;外观设计应具备新颖性和独创性。
An artistic and structural solution pertinent to the exterior of an article of manufacture shall be recognized as an industrial design. Legal protection shall be available for a novel and original industrial design. | 形式审查+实质审查
Formal examination+ substantial examination | 外国优先权, 6 个月内提出。 Foreign Priority System
; within 6 months |
6 个月 6 months | 自申请日起 15 年,可续展 5 年。 15 years from the filing date with an extension of 5 years. | Filing- Formal examination – Substantial examination -Grant/Objection。 |
韩国 Korea | 产生视觉美感印象的产品的形状、图案、色彩或其结合,也适用于产品的一部分以及字体。 The term “design” means a shape, pattern, or color of an article [including parts of an article (excluding those defined under Article 42) and fonts; the same shall apply hereinafter], which invokes a sense of beauty through visual perception; | 实质审查和无审查两种模式 two track examination system :substantive examination/
non-substantive examination |
外国优先权, 6 个月内提出。 Foreign Priority System ; within 6 months |
12 个月 12 months |
自授权登记之日起 15 年。 15 years from the date of authorized registration. | 申请-形式审查/实质审查 -授权/驳回。
Filing- Formal examination – Substantial examination -Grant/Objection |
新加坡 Singapore |
以任何工业方法应用于产品之上的形状、外形、图案或装饰的特征, 包括与非实物产品有关 的设计特征,以及颜色和手工艺品的特征可以是两维或三维,并能应用到日常用品中。 “Design” means features of shape, configuration, colors, pattern or ornament applied to any article or non-physical product that give that article or non-physical product its appearance. |
形式审查 Formal examination |
外国优先权, 6 个月内提出。 Foreign Priority System ; within 6 months |
12 个月 12 months | 自申请日起5 年,每5 年续展, 最长不超过 15 年。
5 years from the filing date with extension for one or two periods of 5 years until a maximum of 15 years. |
申请-形式审查-注册/ 驳回 Filing- Formal examination -Grant/Objection |
马来西亚 Malaysia | 通过工业方法或手段应用于物品的形状、构造、图案或者装饰, 并且在完成的物品中形成通 过视觉感知和判断的特征。
“Industrial design” means features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to an article by any industrial process or means, being features which in the finished article appeal to and are judged by the eye. |
形式审查 Formal examination |
外国优先权, 6 个月内提出。 Foreign Priority System ; within 6 months |
6 个月 6 months | 自申请日起5 年,每5 年续展, 最长不超过 25 年。
5 years from the filing date,with an extension for one or more periods of 5 years until a maximum of 25 years. |
申请-审查-公开-注册。 Filing- examination -Disclosure-Registration |
the | 任何线条、颜色的组合或者任何三维空间形状, 前提是这种组合或者形状具有特殊的外观, 能够作为工业产品或者手工产品的式样。 | 形式审查 Formal examination | 外国优先权, 6 个月内提出。 Foreign Priority System | 12 个月
12 months |
自申请日起5 年,每5 年续展, 最长不超过 15 年。 | 申请-审查-异议-注册。 Filing- examination -opposition |
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