

CRC Industries 公司自 1985 年以来一直是用于维护和修理船舶、电气、工业、汽车和航空设备的工业化学品的生产商和经销商。该公司拥有 “CRC “及其变体商标的权利。CRC Industries 在包括印度尼西亚在内的世界许多国家注册了 1、2、3 和 4 类产品商标。CRC” 商标于 1990 年首次在印度尼西亚注册。

一家印度尼西亚公司为与 CRC Industries 产品相似的产品在第 1 类注册了两个商标 “C&C 标志”。

tm crc




商事法院宣布,华润工业公司对 “CRC “商标及其变体在印度尼西亚第 1 类所有商品上的使用享有专有权。此外,法院还正式承认该商标为驰名商标。两个侵权商标因与华润工业公司的驰名商标相似而被撤销。

此案随后提交最高法院复审。最高法院维持了商事法院的判决,并对该印度尼西亚公司处以 5 000 000 印度卢比(约合 304 欧元)的罚款。





The cancellation of trade marks in Indonesia on the basis of a bad-faith registration


CRC Industries has been a producer and distributor of industrial chemicals used in the maintenance and repair of marine, electrical, industrial, automotive and aviation equipment since 1985. The company has the rights to the trade mark ‘CRC’ and its variants. CRC Industries registered their trade marks for products in classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 in many countries in the world including Indonesia. The trade marks ‘CRC’ were registered for the first time in Indonesia in 1990.

An Indonesian company registered two trade marks “C&C Logo” in class 1 for products that are similar to CRC Industries’ products.

tm crc

Action taken

CRC Industries filed a lawsuit against the Indonesian company at the Commercial Court.


The Commercial Court declared that CRC Industries had exclusive rights to the use of the ‘CRC’ trade mark and its variants, for all kinds of goods in class 1 in Indonesia. Moreover, the Court formally recognised the trade mark as being well-known. The two infringing trade marks were cancelled because they were similar to CRC Industries’ well-known trade mark.

The case was then brought before the Supreme Court for review. The Supreme Court retained the Commercial Court’s decision and imposed a fine of IDR 5 000 000 (approx. EUR 304) on the Indonesian company.

Lessons learned

Bad-faith trade mark registration may occur when a third party (for example, a trade mark squatter or local company) intentionally registers a trade mark that is identical or confusingly similar to another trade mark in order to benefit from it. Using well-known trade marks, or ones similar to them, can help crooks to mislead consumers and gain unfair advantages. This has made well-known trade marks vulnerable to a number of bad-faith registration cases in South-East Asian countries. Businesses should regularly monitor trade mark databases, the internet and any other relevant sources to quickly detect potential infringements.

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