由全球最大的五个商标主管机构——日本专利局、韩国知识产权局、欧盟内部市场协调局、中国国家工商行政管理总局和美国专利商标局——共同发起的、简称为TM5 的框架性合作项目,致力于就商标相关事务进行信息共享,并在互惠基础上采取各项合作措施。日前,TM5官方网站正式上线。就此,欧盟内部市场协调局在其官方网站上发布了一篇题为“TM5网站上线”的新闻公告。
- 标局翻译如下:
- 该新闻公告原文,请参见:
TM5 website launched
A new website dedicated to the Trade Mark 5 (TM5) offices and their joint activities, has been launched.
The TM5 partner offices – the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), OHIM, the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (SAIC) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) are the five largest trade mark offices in the world.
Through the TM5 framework, the offices exchange information on trade mark and design issues, and collaborate on joint projects for the benefits of their mutual users.
The website was developed by KIPO as one of the cooperative projects undertaken by the TM5 partners. It includes detailed information on projects, information resources and statistics, and can be found here.
TM5 网站,请参见: